Special Balloons

New Kinds of Balloons

You will quickly discover that not every balloon which appears on your screen is one of the basic four colors; there are special balloons that may appear and influence the results of your match. 

Whether or not any of these special balloons appear during a specific game is completely random and you may play numerous games before seeing the same assortment of balloons again. Regardless of if and when these balloons appear, It’s important to note that they can all still be picked up and rearranged just like a basic balloon.

Ice Balloons


Likely the most common special balloon, ice balloons act as a basic obstacle in Magical Drop. These balloons are unable to be broken until you pop another combination of balloons next to them. When this happens all of the ice balloons on your board, whether or not they are adjacent to the popped balloons, will thaw and change to the color that was just popped. Any ice balloons adjacent to the original balloons will immediately disappear as part of the chain.

Colored Ice Balloons


Despite behaving similarly to the plain ice balloons described above, this version is already assigned to one of the four basic colors when they appear on your board.

While they will thaw alongside the rest of your ice balloons, they will not immediately disappear should they not match the color of the balloon which popped, even if they are adjacent.

Crystal Balloon

While similar in appearance to the ice balloons mentioned above, crystal balloons are a major boon when they appear on your board. By combining a crystal balloon with two or more balloons of any color, you will pop all of the remaining balloons of that color on your board.


Popping a crystal balloon will guarantee you a combo so long as there are non-adjacent balloons of the chosen color on the board. Additionally, the removal of the chosen color will delay itself until there are no other matches currently happening. You can use this to your advantage by including a crystal balloon in a longer chain reaction, knowing that the delayed reaction will cover any gaps in your chain while you continue to rearrange the board.

Burst Balloon

At a glance burst balloons may resemble a standard color balloon, but upon closer inspection are distinguished by the prominent symbol at their center. Functionally, these crystals work similarly to the crystal balloon, however they are only able to be combined with the predefined color they appear in. 

Note that these balloons can be picked up in conjunction with standard balloons of the matching color, which makes them easier to rearrange than their other special counterparts.